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"I create personalized programs for all
of my one-to-one clients."  


Steph says:

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It is in the 1:1 coaching, where you get a unique opportunity

to truly maximize your potential benefits - while optimizing whatever situation, circumstances or challenges you may be facing.

Below are options of duration of time we might work together.  Needless to say, the greater the commitment, the greater the benefits, but find a package that works for you.

You will notice that the packages are by session and not by week or month, so that you can create the frequency that best serves you (within a reasonable period of time).

Many people love meeting every other week,  while those dealing with acute conditions may opt for a weekly meeting .


The most important element here is commitment.  I've seen it be the thing that makes the most difference in one's practice.  By that, I'm meaning  commitment to self (one's growth), commitment to actually doing the work (as a consistent practice), and commitment to .... well, presence - to allowing the techniques to just be means to a new kind of moment-by-moment experience.

At the least, it is my goal to help you develop skills & learn creative strategies to help your daily experience be less stressful and more satisfying.

I look forward to working with you!


About All Sessions:

  • All sessions are recorded (audio) with any guided meditations on separate (mp4/mp3) files so they can be used for daily practice support.  You will be given a Dropbox folder that will house all recordings from your sessions - with your having the option to download or listen from there.
  • All sessions are held on Zoom during the pandemic with few exceptions.
  • Optional offer, for before your first session, to send an email with any history or description of circumstances or goals that you'd like to address (to free up more session time for our work.)
  • I am available between sessions if questions arise, and I answer all emails.  Sometimes there is a shift for a client a few days after a session, or employing a new technique, and it can be quite effective & efficient to have access to the teacher at such time.  

Single Session

In a single session, I can give you a "diagnostic" in terms of how I would create a program for you - and we would start with whatever meditation technique that I felt was most beneficial for you at this time - also offering strategies for how to integrate the practice into your daily life for greater benefit.   1 session (75 min) ~ $250

Self-Investment Programs:

In 4 sessions, we can flesh out an optimal program for you, adapted to your goals, interests, proclivities and experience.   You will have a chance to work in-depth with at least 4 important mindfulness techniques, that I will have created just for you,  to meet your goals - and you'll have more experience with integrating the practice & its benefits into your daily life.   4 sessions (75 min) ~ $960

In 8 sessions, we get the opportunity for you to explore each aspect of your evolving program in more depth, and we can further modify or change it to even more specifically address your challenges while taking advantage of your interests & proclivities.   This is where you really start to get it "under your belt" with more confidence - and hopefully see results in your life.   8 sessions (75 min) ~ $1840

In 12 sessions, you have the time to soak into your practice, and deepen your experience.  You will also start to more deeply integrate the benefits of your practice into your daily life.  This is where I hear clients report  new healthier perceptions & perspectives This will also give us time to address more life concerns & goals - and start purifying "old stuff" on a deeper level.   12 sessions (75 min) ~ $2640

In 20 sessions, completed within a 10 month period of time, you should have a deeply integrated practice with a deep & broad understanding of the potential of mindfulness to alleviate suffering and elevate fulfillment.  You should also, by this time, have a healthy agility & facility with practical strategies to apply in daily life.  I will expect you to be happier, clearer, and have better relationships - while manifesting in the world in a satisfying way.  So the "outside" gets a lot better, and the "inside" practice becomes a refuge that's effective & appreciated by you & others.  This is not a promise, but an expression of my expectations from my experience.

20 sessions (75 min) ~ $4200

I look forward to helping you towards your goals. 

~ Steph

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STANDARD AGREEMENT:  The mindfulness programs discussed and offered on this website does not constitute professional medical or therapeutic advice and should not be used as a substitute for medical diagnosis, therapeutic advice, or services. Mindfulness meditation involves working with body sensations, thoughts, and emotions to help participants develop more awareness of their internal and external reactions. If for any reason you think it’s unwise or if you’re unable to engage in the practices and exercises presented during these sessions or at home you’re under no obligation to do so. You will not hold the instructor, Stephanie Nash, liable for any mental, emotional, or physical injury incurred from these practices or exercises. What’s more, if you need medical, psychological, or psychiatric intervention or assistance during the class series it’s you’re responsible to seek out such services. By registering for a mindfulness program or session on this site, you acknowledge you have read this disclaimer and waive the instructor, Stephanie Nash, from all liability.



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